Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Making Money With Email Promotions

I bet you've heard this at least a hundred times: "The money is in the list!"

Well, it's true. I personally send out offers and promote affiliate products to my lists of readers on a regular basis and make a lot of money doing it. That's where 50% of my online income comes from!
I follow A SPECIFIC - Step By Step - PLAN each and every day to consistently make $2000, $3000, $6000 a week doing this? I do! This is EXTREMELY important to your online success as well. Now I know you didn’t download this report to hear all about me and my trials and tribulations. You’re probably thinking… SHOW ME THE MONEY!

So… here we go. The reason I created this report was to simply dissect a recent email promotion I sent to one of my email lists. If you follow along closely, I know you’ll gain a wealth of information from it and you can easily duplicate this type of technique for your own list. Are ya ready? Let’s go…

Read this very carefully and make sure you understand everything. If not, go back and read it again... and again! This is the perfect example of how to do an email promotion the right way. It involves some planning and prep work but the final result will always be worth it.

The email below was recently sent to one of my lists that primarily consisted of online entrepreneurs who were interested in learning more about email marketing. How do I know this? Well, I know this because all of the folks who received the email below had also previously opted-in to one of my lists from a squeeze page I had setup offering a free “special report" I authored called:

"Two Advanced Email Strategies That Will Get You Results Every Time!"

So, here's the actual email that I sent to my list not very long ago. Your job is to uncover the sheer brilliance behind this email and understand why it worked so well! Ready? Here goes... (Remember, these folks already received my Free Report and were given two FREE, brilliant email strategies in the report...)

Subjectline: [Firstname], another clever email technique you'll profit from immediately...

Hi [Firstname],

Don't ya just wish there was a way you could guarantee 20% - 30% more sales from every email you send out to your list?

Well ya know what? ... There is!
Just get more of your messages delivered!

The truth is... It's getting harder and harder for all of us to get our emails actually delivered to our lists because of all the spam filters, etc. That means we all have to be very careful with what we can and can't say in our emails.

Load up an email with a few too many "FR-EE" or "Bonus" phrases and chances are your emails won't even reach your customer's inbox, never mind actually get read. Instead, they'll be sent right to a "spam" folder.

Studies are now showing that as many as 60%, 70%, even 75% of opt-in emails are being blocked by filters... and worst yet - you'll probably never know it's happening! You'll just think your sales pitch bombed!

The good news...
I've been tweaking and testing several different email formats over the last few months and I've finally hit the jackpot! I'm now seeing delivery rates in the 90% range and click-thru rates as high as 64%.

Check this out...

I recently sent the same promotion to two different test groups on one of my lists. Same target - same number of subscribers. One promotion was sent directly via email... the other was sent as a free report to download. Incredibly... The PDF report pulled triple the response... and it's still bringing in cash as we speak on auto-pilot.

Here's exactly how I do it [firstname]:

-- First, I create a special report or an article (something valuable and interesting to my readers) and I convert the report into a PDF file and make it available to download on my website.

-- Then, I send a simple "plain text" email (short and sweet) to my list letting them know about the FREE report.

-- Now... in the report, I have the ultimate freedom to say whatever I want and I never have to worry about my content (and sales message) not getting delivered or read because of the spam filters.

Here's a great example ...

Let's say I find a product that I know is going to help folks who are looking for new ways to increase their sales on eBay. Here's what I do.

1. I'll always purchase and review the product to be sure it really is a GREAT product.

2. Then I'll check out the sales page of the website to be sure it's well written to convert shoppers into buyers.

3. Then (and here's the really cool part) I'll create a report in PDF FORMAT titled something like...

"How A Power Seller From Ohio Generated $6,329.42 In A Weekend Selling An Add On His Cell Phone Voicemail Message"

Will a lot of my readers download the report? You Betcha!
And here's the best part of all...

Once the report is downloaded, it's a selling tool for months - even years to come. Unlike an email that gets deleted once it's been read (if it gets read), my PDF report will stay on this customer’s desktop, reminding him or her about me and my website constantly.

And... My affiliate links and promotions are carefully placed throughout this report so if this customer decides to purchase anything from the report - even months from now - I still make a sale or commission!

And there you have it [firstname]! A clever email marketing technique that you're sure to see incredible results from. Oh, and if you don't know how (or don't have PDF creation software) to create these little PDF goldmines - you're in luck!

For the next 24 hours, I'm running a special promotion on a brilliant set of PC videos that will show you step by step how to create PDF documents from any text file - FOR FR-EE.

Ironically, the actual Adobe PDF Creation software sells for $300 - $400 but this video series not only shows you where to get FR-EE software to create PDF's, but it also walks you 'step-by-step' through the whole process and shows you exactly how it's done. It's so easy even a 5 year old could do it!

So, If you really want to take advantage of this PDF technique for your next email marketing promotion... then don't wait on this [firstname] because after the 24 hour deadline, this offer will be taken down from my website.

Test Drive The Set Of Videos For 30 Days Risk Fr-ee

As always, you also get my unconditional 30 day satisfaction guarantee as well, so if you're not completely satisfied with the videos just let me know and I'll refund your purchase... no questions asked...

Good luck with the new PDF technique and let me know how it works out for you...

Yours truly,
Your Name Here

P.S. I forgot to mention that I'm only releasing 50 copies of this video collection at this blowout price and I don't expect this offer to last long.

P.P.S. Did I mention I'm throwing in the "RESALE RIGHTS" to this collection as well? I'm giving away the bank [firstname]! Don't delay on this or you'll kick yourself tomorrow!

Grab Your Video Collection Here Before They're All Gone.

NOTE: I never send anything unsolicited. You are receiving this email because you signed up for my of my newsletters, reports, or via one of my websites. Please check your records.

That, my friend... is BRILLIANT email marketing at it's best!

Now do you see how email marketing to a LIST OF TARGETED subscribers can make you a fortune. Let's analyze... shall we?

* I delivered a targeted message to a targeted list.

* I presented a big problem we're all having in email marketing - getting our messages delivered.

* I presented a solution to this problem - creating PDF documents.

* I gave proof that this solution works - an increase in my own click thru rates.

* I offered my readers a great product - Videos.

* I offered A HUGE benefit for buying my product - save $400 when compared to the Adobe PDF creation software.

* I gave them a deadline to act - only 50 being sold for the next 24 hours only!

* I gave them an added bonus for purchasing - resale rights to the video collection.
And best of all I never actually created the videos myself! I purchased the master resale rights to the video collection for a few bucks and sold over 142 copies in this email promotion for $39.97 each. Would you like me to add that up for you?

142 sales @ $40.00 ea = $5,680.00

That's the power of email marketing. It's a system that allows you to print your own paycheck whenever you want! Once you build your list and learn to write convincingly using some creativity… you'll never be broke again. Cool huh?

Now... here's a quick quiz!

I'll bet you missed the most important ingredient in this promotion and how it relates to the incredible success of this campaign! Did ya catch it? Or ya still confused...

Go back and read over everything again and see if you could figure it out! Go ahead... I'll wait ;-)

You see, although all of the things we just discussed like...

* A targeted market

* A big problem we're all having in email marketing

* A great solution to this problem

* Proof that this solution works

* A great product

* A HUGE benefit for buying today

* A deadline to act

* An added bonus for purchasing

All contributed enormously to the success of the email promotion, there's still one GREATER factor that we didn't talk much about.

The BIGGEST reason this email campaign was so successful was because the "SPECIAL REPORT" that all of my subscribers had previously downloaded (you know... the one they "unlocked" and downloaded from my squeeze page to get onto this list in the first place) was UTTERLY BRILLIANT!

So the lesson here is this: Once you prove (FREE) to your customers that you know what you're talking about and you really WANT to help them... Then it's just a matter of "Follow The Leader". You recommend something and they buy... again and again! Really... it's that easy! But first you have to build your relationships and continuously provide quality information to your list before you'll ever earn their respect and trust.

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